Wednesday, May 30, 2012

have to be smart to have a smart phone... i guess

so i told my mom that i wanted a new phone and she said no.... so i told her i needed a new phone and she asked why. i told her i needed it cause i needed to get the blog app so i can do good in english 12... so she said yes! so i went and got the antrix 2.... problem is i have no idea how to work it and i havent had time to go into the att store and tell them i need them to teach me how to use the frickin phone. anyway... i never got the blog app... but i did learn that theyre called smart phone cause you have to be smart to have one, not because the phones are smart....

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! Gotta be smarter than the phone, for sure. Well, at least you got the smartphone; you'll figure it out eventually!
