Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The tenth circle = reviewed!

so i looked up each book to see which one looked more interesting... after looking up the first 12 i thought i was doomed because i am a super picky reader. it takes an amazing book for me to actually read the book and not just pretend like i usually do :/  but as i was reading summaries i saw and read the summary for THE TENTH CIRCLE by Jodi Picoult... it caught my eye as it would any teenager. its about a teenager who gets raped and when her rapist falls over a bridge everyone blames her cause they know she has bad feeling towards her rapist as any normal person would....

this story is very realistic with the affairs and high school scene and temptations and things not going as planned and lies and secrets and family drama and people not believing the truth.... that alone is so interesting but the twist at the end was even more interesting.... NOT TELLING YOU THE TWIST cause that's the whole ending and Mr. Spalding told us not to spoil the ending even though i really want to cause I'm not good at keeping secrets unless they really matter but anyway...

this book is a mystery with a thriller essence and i find those characteristic very necessary for a book to be readable haha :) but i did not like the swearing just cause i find it extremely unnecessary.... but this book really pulled emotion out of me. it made me angry and upset but then happy and compassionate.... 

one of the many themes expressed throughout the book is mistakes and moving on from mistakes whether they are yours or someone else's... this theme is a good message. it shows that past mistakes can be over come by being determined to be different and better... at the end you just want to keep reading more but there is nothing more to read. i wish the book would continue and not leave the future of the character up in the air!

so overall i say.... READ IT
but only if your over the age of 13 cause its a little raunchy ;)

1 comment:

  1. I liked how Picoult worked in references to Dante's Inferno in this. It's not my kind of book, but it didn't kill me to read it, either! :)
